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05/22 08:14 - preteky - Seoul v View
05/22 07:12 - preteky - Seoul v View
05/22 06:05 - preteky - Seoul v View
05/22 05:09 - preteky - Seoul v View
05/22 04:12 - preteky - Seoul v View
05/22 02:44 - preteky - Seoul v View
05/22 01:45 - preteky - Seoul v View

Wikipedia - LetsRun Park Seoul

LetsRun Park Seoul, also known a Seoul Race Park or Seoul Racecourse Park is a 40,000 capacity Korean thoroughbred racetrack in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. It is host to many of Korea's most valuable thoroughbred horse races including the Korean Derby and Grand Prix. LetsRun Park Seoul is located next to Seoul Racecourse Park Station on Line 4 of the Seoul Metropolitan Subway. It is operated by the Korea Racing Authority (KRA).

In the Republic of Korea, the racecourse has been misleading with the negative image of gambling and speculative facilities and has been distorted into a socially problematic place. It's called 'Park'. The name of the station was changed in 2000.


The current site at Gwacheon is the third home of LetsRun Park Seoul. The first was at a track in Sinseol-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, which was in operation from the early 1920s until just after the Korean War. Following the closure of the Sinseol-dong track, a new racetrack was constructed at Ttukseom, on the north bank of the Han River In February 1983, after South Korea was awarded the 1988 Summer Olympics, the KRA was given the task of organising the equestrian events. The Ttukseom Racetrack was inadequate; the KRA acquired a new site south of Seoul in Gwacheon Gyeonggi-do, where the equestrian (except the individual-jumping final) and the riding portion of the modern pentathlon events were held. After the Olympics, the KRA turned the site into a racetrack.

This is where the headquarters of the Korean Horse Society is located. Gyeongseong Racecourse, which opened in Yongdujeong [2], Gyeongseong-bu, on September 20, 1928, started as a racecourse. Construction began in 1984 to host the equestrian events of the 1986 Asian Games in Seoul and the Seoul Olympics in 1988, and officially opened on September 1, 1989. Construction began in 1984 and moved to 1989. Until 1998, it was called 'Seoul Racecourse' and then changed to the current name.

**Turnaj v dostihoch „KOR Seoul“**

Napínavé dostihy plné adrenalínu a vzrušenia sa chystajú v Soule! Turnaj „KOR Seoul“ privíta najlepších jazdcov a kone z celého sveta, ktorí budú súťažiť o prvenstvo na prestížnej dráhe Seoul Racecourse Park.

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